Participants Summer school

an International Summer school on

"Clouds and Climate"

June 24 - July 5, 2013

Les Houches, France

Scientific Organizing Committee: A. Pier Siebesma, Sandrine Bony, Bjorn Stevens

Sponsored and Organised by:
European Union Cloud Intercomparison, Process Study & Evaluation Project (EUCLIPSE)

World Climate Research Programma (WCRP)
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement, Climate Research Facility (ARM)

Clouds may never had a more important meaning to society as of today. The patterns of clouds are slowly changing, along with increases in global surface temperatures and changes in emissions of anthropogenic aerosols. How clouds respond to these changes exactly, may help determine how our climate as a whole will change. The largest source of uncertainty in future climate model predictions is due to the representation of cloud processes in these. These processes include the cloud processes themselves such as latent heat release due to condensation and evaporation, precipitation and cloud dynamics but also through their complex interaction with radiation, soil moisture, and large scale atmospheric dynamics.