People involved

The coordinator of the project is Pier Siebesma of Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

The principal investigators of the institutes involved are:

  • Bjorn Stevens, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany
  • Mark Webb, Met Office, United Kingdom
  • Sandrine Bony, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, Lab. de Met.
    Dynamique (IPSL/LMD), France
  • George Tselioudis, Academy of Athens, Greece
  • Hervé Douville, Météo France/CNRM, France
  • Gunilla Svensson, University of Stockholm, Sweden
  • Hanna Pawlowska, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Ulrike Lohmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland
  • Tim Palmer, ECMWF, United Kingdom
  • Stephan de Roode, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
  • Michael Lautenschlager, Zentrum für Marine und Atmosphärische Wissenschaften, Germany

The Advisory Board (including a representative from the European Commission) of the EUCLIPSE project is made up of the following persons:

  • Pier Siebesma, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), Coordinator
  • Dr. Asrar G. Ghassem, Director of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP), WMO, Switzerland
  • Prof. Christian Jakob, co-chair of WG on Numerical Experimentation WGNE, Australia
  • Prof. Greame Stephens, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, USA
  • Prof. Susanne Crewell, Institute for Geo-physics and Meteorology, Germany

The Project Office at KNMI (The Netherlands), which is responsible for the routine administration of the project and the scientific direction, is staffed by Karin van der Schaft, Frank Selten and Pier Siebesma.