EUCLIPSE Kick-off meeting postponed

The first EUCLIPSE meeting that was scheduled for April 21st-22nd of 2010 and would take place at the conference hotel Haarlem Zuid in the Netherlands is postponed. The eruption of the vulcano Eyjafjallajökull had a large impact on flight traffic, especially to and from Europe. Therefore it was decided, at the last moment, to cancel the meeting. A new schedule for the kick-off meeting will be published here when available.

The meeting was meant to

  • provide an overview of the themes and activities in EUCLIPSE,
  • discuss how we share information and report back to the EU,
  • have inspiring scientific talks and discussions,
  • get to know the people involved in EUCLIPSE,
  • stimulate collaboration among the partners,
  • plan for the first year of EUCLIPSE.

Questions on the scientific content of the meeting can be send to the project coordinator or the chair of the respective work packages. Questions concerning the logistics can be send to .

  • project coordinator
  • chair WP1
  • chair WP2
  • chair WP3
  • chair WP4

Click here for a pdf file with the preliminary agenda last updated on 15th of April..

Click here for a pdf file with the preliminary participants list last updated on 15th of April..