Agenda CFMIP/EUCLIPSE meeting, Hamburg, 10-14th June 2013
(last updated 5 July, 2013)
Monday June 10th
The morning session and registration are at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) Main Building, ZMAW Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Bundesstrasse 53.
8:30 Registration, welcome coffee and payment of conference fee of EUR 100 (cash)
Presentation slots are for 15 minutes which includes 3 minutes for questions and discussion.
9:30 Welcome, introduction and logistics (Bjorn Stevens)
9:45 EUCLIPSE Update (Pier Siebesma)
10:00 CFMIP Update (Sandrine Bony/Mark Webb)
Cloud feedbacks, adjustments and climate sensitivity; Chairperson Steve Klein
10:15 Jessica Vial: On the interpretation of inter-model spread in CMIP5 climate sensitivity estimates.
10:30 Mark Zelinka: Contributions of Different Cloud Types to Feedbacks and Rapid Adjustments in CMIP5.
10:45 Mark Webb: Using high frequency data at site locations to understand cloud feedbacks in the CFMIP-2 models.
11:00 Brian Medeiros: Do idealized climate change experiments capture the response of realistic experiments?
11:15 Youichi Kamae: Mechanisms of tropospheric cloud adjustment to CO2 increase in CMIP5 models.
11:30 Tomoo Ogura: On the impact of instantaneous radiative forcing on tropospheric adjustment.
11:45 Discussion
12:00 Walk/take bus to Hofbräuhaus Restaurant, Esplanade 6, Hamburg (Bus number 4 runs every 10 minutes and bus number 5 every 5 minutes)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Walk to main conference venue:
Max-Planck- Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Mittelweg 187
14:00 Check in at the main Conference venue
Cloud feedbacks, adjustments and climate sensitivity (Continued)
14:30 Mark Ringer: Response of clouds and radiation to transient CO2 forcing in the HadGEM2-ES model
14:45 Ming Cai: A Decomposition of Feedback Contributions to Polar Warming Amplification: The role of clouds.
15:00 Andrew Dessler: Breaking down the short-term cloud feedback.
15:15 Sergio Sejas: Cloud feedback contributions to seasonality of surface warming due to an increase of CO2.
15:30 Coffee break
Low-cloud feedbacks; Chairperson Brian Medeiros
16:00 Xin Qu: On the spread of changes in marine low cloud cover in climate model simulations of the 21st century.
16:15 Stephen Klein: Low-cloud optical depth feedbacks in climate models and observations.
16:30 Masahiro Watanabe: Mechanism of tropical low-cloud response to surface warming using weather and climate simulations by MIROC5.
16:45 Robert Pincus: Observational constraints on tropical low-cloud feedback from satellite observations.
17:00 George Tselioudis: Global Weather States and their Properties from Passive and Active Satellite Cloud Retrievals.
17:15 Discussion
Tuesday June 11th - Max-Planck- Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Cloud-land surface coupling; Chairperson Cathy Hohenegger
9:00 Dominique Bouniol: Process-oriented assessment of CMIP5 simulations in the present climate along the AMMA transect.
9:15 Olivier Geoffroy: Estimation of cloud radiative impacts over West Africa, Niamey.
9:30 Françoise Guichard: Surface, boundary layer and cloud couplings over land in climate models: inferences from evaluation of SCM and CMIP5 simulations over West Africa.
10:00 Hervé Douville: Regional cloud effects on biases and responses of European temperatures in CMIP5 models and COOKIE experiments.
10:15 Discussion
10:30 Coffee
Precipitation in a changing climate; Chairperson Ming Zhao
11:00 Robin Chadwick: Spatial patterns of Precipitation Change in CMIP5: Why the Rich don't get Richer in the Tropics.
11:15 Boutheina Oueslati: Interpreting inter-model differences in regional precipitation projections.
11:30 Dagmar Popke: Analysis of precipitation changes with ECHAM6 in radiative-convective equilibrium mode.
11:45 Discussion
12:15 Walk to Hofbräuhaus Restaurant, 15 minutes away
12:30 Lunch
The role of cloud organization; Chairperson Chris Bretherton
14:00 Sandrine Bony: How much does convective aggregation matter for climate ?
14:15 C. Kodama: Cloud changes of multi-year simulations of NICAM and possible impact of the global warming on storm-track ice cloud.
14:30 A.T.Noda: Changes of cloud-size statistics and associated radiative forcing due to global warming in global cloud-resolving simulations.
14:45 Marat Khairoutdinov: Response of tropical cyclones to warming SST in radiative-convective equilibrium with rotation.
15:00 Discussion
15:15 Coffee
Cloud-circulation coupling & COOKIE & CREAM; Chairperson Gilles Bellon
15:45 Benjamin Möbis: The influence of radiative effects on the double ITCZ problem.
16:00 Solange Fermepin: Influence of low-level cloud radiative effects on the tropical climate.
16:15 Deepa Raveendranpillai: Role of radiative-convective instability in MJO.
16:30 Cathy Hohenegger: Cumulus congestus: Along for the ride?
16:45 Ming Zhao: An investigation of the connections between convection, clouds and climate sensitivity in a Global Climate Model
17:00 Thorsten Mauritsen: What if the Earth had an adaptive infrared iris?
17:15 Discussion
Please note that today the venue must be vacated by 18:00 at the latest.
Wednesday June 12th - Max-Planck- Institute for Comparative and Intern. Private Law
LES/SCM and St-Cu transition cases; Chairperson Stephan de Roode
9:00 Gilles Bellon: Stratocumulus radiative effect and the multiple equilibria of the boundary layer.
9:15 Johan van der Dussen: Factors controlling rapid stratocumulus cloud thinning.
9:30 Wojciech Grabowski: Effects of cloud turbulence on collision-coalescence in maritime shallow convection.
9:45 Irina Sandu: Simulations of the composite transitions cases with the ECMWF SCM
10:00 Sara Dal Gesso: A mixed layer model perspective on stratocumulus steady-states in a perturbed climate.
10:15 Discussion
10:30 Coffee
CFMIP-GASS Intercomparison of LES and SCMs (CGILS) / Equilibrium phase space studies
11:00 Chris Bretherton: The Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC).
11:15 Chris Bretherton: Sensitivity of low cloud transitions to greenhouse warming.
11:30 Stephan de Roode: The sensitivity of stratocumulus clouds to perturbed large-scale conditions.
11:45 Sara Dal Gesso: Estimating the low-cloud climate feedback through steady-state analysis of single-column model.
12:00 Discussion
12:15 Walk to Hofbräuhaus Restaurant
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Minghua Zhang: Recap of 1st phase CGILS Results.
14:15 Chris Bretherton: Update on the CGILS LES intercomparison.
14:30 CGILS Phase II Discussion.
Model evaluation and improvement; Chairperson Masahiro Watanabe
15:00 Alejandro Bodas-Salcedo: Solar radiation biases over the Southern Ocean in CFMIP2 models.
15:15 Grégory Cesana: Evaluation of the cloud thermodynamic phase in CMIP5 models using CALIPSO-GOCCP.
15:30 Coffee
16:00 Hideaki Kawai: Improvement of a Stratocumulus Scheme for Mid-latitude Marine Low Clouds.
16:15 Tsuyoshi Koshiro: Relationship between Low Stratiform Cloud Amount and Estimated Inversion Strength in the Lower Troposphere over the Global Ocean in Terms of Cloud Types.
16:30 Carlo Lacagnina: Evaluation of clouds and radiative fluxes in the EC-EARTH general circulation model using the ISCCP simulator.
16:45 Louise Nuijens: Temporal behavior of trade-wind cloudiness and its large scale thermodynamic and dynamic state: observations versus models.
17:00 Yoko Tsushima: Quantitative evaluation of the interannual variations in climate model cloud regimes and the assessment in climate change.
17:15 Discussion
18:00 Change of conference venue
18:15 Dinner with discussion
19:15 Continuation of discussions regarding results first and second day. Mutual discussion and prospects for the upcoming meetings.
Thursday June 13th - Max-Planck- Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
WCRP Grand Challenge discussion; Chairperson Sandrine Bony
9:00 Sandrine Bony/Bjorn Stevens: WCRP Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity
9:25 Mark Webb: #1 Climate and Hydrological Sensitivity
9:50 Robert Pincus: #2 Leveraging the Past Record
10:15 Coffee
10:45 Pier Siebesma: #3 Coupling Clouds to Circulations
11:10 Aiko Voigt: #4 Changing Patterns: Easy Aerosols - a proposal to identify and study robust aerosol-induced circulation changes.
11:35 Masahiro Watanabe: #5 Towards more reliable models
12:00 Discussion
12:15 Walk to Hofbräuhaus Restaurant
12:30 Lunch
14:00 CFMIP/EUCLIPSE Synthesis papers discussion; Chairperson Björn Stevens
15:30 Coffee
EUCLIPSE Discussions; Chairperson Pier Siebesma
16:00 Discussion of EU plans following EUCLIPSE
Review EUCLIPSE WPs and deliverables
17:00 Stephan de Roode: WP3
Friday June 14th - Max-Planck- Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Review EUCLIPSE WPs and deliverables; Chairperson Pier Siebesma
9:00 Sandrine Bony: WP2
9:15 Bjorn Stevens: WP4
9:30 Pier Siebesma: Discussion on remaining work/deliverables
10:30 Coffee
11:00 EUCLIPSE Summer School Discussion
12:15 Walk to Hofbräuhaus Restaurant
12:30 Lunch
14:00 EUCLIPSE Book Discussion
16:00 Meeting close